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May, 2021

POSTPONED - NLL 2021 Picture Day

Schedule out for the Nottingham 'LL picture day.  This year we will have the pictures taken the same way as last year.  We will not be utilizing the big cage, but the picture crew will set up the tents outside of the big cage.  Although we are still dealing with the pandemic, 2 teams will be scheduled together every 15 minutes.  Please continue to use social distancing practices as well as wearing masks.  The schedule below is as follows. One team in the international division and T Ball Division overlap as well.

See below for team picture times and order/payment information.

                                     Majors Division

0815-  Distefano Plumbing and Jerry Salzano Baseball Academy

0830-  Killarneys Publick House and Action Jay Roberts Realtors

0845-  Bendas  Landscaping and Chris Auto Body

                                    Minors Division

0900-  Jerry Salzano Baseball Academy and T Dolci Inc.

0915-  Killarneys Publick House and Stefanics Team Relax

0930-  Rusling  Paving & Concrete and Vinylbombers

                                 International Division

0945-  Gennaros and Hamilton Manor

1000-  Fornaro & Francioso LLC and Matthew R Schloss DMD

1015-  Colliers  Engineering &Design and Caesars Bagels and Deli

                                       T Ball Division

1030-  First N Ten and Classic Sub Shop

1045-  Carellas Shoes and Cross and Shamrock

1100-  Hamilton Fire Company and Eet Gud Bakery

For over 25 years DeLorenzo's ASP The Image Factory have been photographing the Youth Athletes of New Jersey. With the new pandemic it has presented challenges for all involved with youth sports. We have developed a method a photography of your athletes while maintaining strict social distancing guidelines all in the confines of our new photo trailer with UV disinfecting system. All employees will wear masks and we ask that players and coaches follow all rules set by your organization in regards to wearing of masks.

All ordering can be done using our online ordering system Link found below.

Prepay online | Nottingham Little League 2021

Please place orders prior to photo day. Late orders are accepted but will incur a late order charge. Place your order prior to our shoot date of 4/25/2021 to avoid late fee.

There will be no onsite ordering on photo day - no order forms, no exchange of funds.

All players and coaches need to be photographed.

Please be on time at your scheduled time frame. As long as you are there before our last team we will be able to include your player in the team photo. 

Parents are asked to either remain in your vehicle or stay back at least 25 ft from the shooting area.  With the exception of t-ball and challenger divisions.

 Please tell your players not to touch or be in contact with teammates.

 Players must use their own bat or glove for their photos. Catchers may wear full gear.

 The Image Factory will no longer provide bats or glove for use.

 Photos will be mailed directly to your home within 3 to 4 weeks.

We think you will be very impressed with our new product line but if for any reason you are not we will provide a full refund. Team photos will be artistically created by our graphics experts customized with your league and team logo and colors all using individual photos. No need to have the players together for one photo as in the past.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. This is a learning experience for all and any feedback in regards to packages or product will be greatly appreciated as we fine tune our new system to match this crazy world we are now living in.

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